Tuesday, 20 December 2016
I've always loved taking photos at gigs. I used to sneak my DSLR into venues - sometimes even with my giant zoom lens - and never once got caught. One time I was fifth row at the Radio 1 Teen Awards and ended up with some great photos of One Direction and Taylor Swift. It seems funny now, because multiple times this year venue staff during bag-check have told me that my little Olympus E-PL7 isn't allowed because it has a detachable lens and that deems it 'professional'. (What does that even mean, anyway?) Nonetheless, because I am me, and am remarkably persuasive when I want to be, on every one of these occasions I managed to convince each staff member to let me bring the camera in regardless (mostly I exasperate them and they just give up, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do). With that, allow me to present to you some of my favourite photos from the various gigs I attended this year (fifteen in total, but only nine of them feature in this post), taken with the aforementioned ~forbidden camera~.

Of course, none of these photographs are anything astounding, but I love that feeling of getting a good shot amidst the frenzy of a gig, and I felt that a few times with some of the photos you've just seen. (Side note: I took almost all of the 5SOS photos while fairly drunk, and they ended up being some of the best pictures. How does that work?) (Side note #2: some of these photos are screenshots from videos, because I am a FRAUD.) One day I would love to get hold of an elusive press pass and take a few photos from up close with, y'know, actual permission to do so. Until then, I shall be taking photos sneakily on my camera that is sort-of-but-maybe-not allowed.

See you next time!


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