Wednesday, 31 August 2016
Yikes. It's been a while, hasn't it? I've done a lot of stuff since I last wrote on here, and I think it's time I get you up to speed. In April I went back to the UK for about a week and saw a bunch of pals and attended a few gigs (5SOS and Troye Sivan, if you're interested), in May I had exams and deadlines and visitors and some more gigs (more 5SOS, plus Panic! at the Disco), and then in June I left Paris. Yep, my year abroad is officially over! My next post is going to be about my study abroad experience, but let me update you on what I did after that.

I spent my 21st birthday at home in Geneva (yes. I am twenty-one. I am A Real Adult now.) and the next day I flew to England. That week I spent time with friends and then on the 3rd of July I set off on a MARATHON of a holiday to North America. I spent six and a half weeks there, mostly in the US but also including about a week in Canada. I got back to Geneva on the 17th August (after the mildly irritating problem of my SUITCASE NOT ARRIVING AT BAGGAGE CLAIM) (apparently it didn't even make it out of Newark...okay BA...okay) (don't worry I got it back the next day) and since then I've been dossing about doing absolutely nothing when I should be doing, uh, definitely something. I'm about to start my fourth and final year of university and I'm pumped to get stuff DONE.

I'm not going to bore you with academic goals so instead I will bore you with my current blogging goals. I'm not sorry. In the near future I am hoping to get up a few posts about studying abroad (one relating to my year abroad bucket list, a general one about studying abroad, and one with my favourite photos of the year), a post or two about ~university in general~, and a TONNE of photo-filled posts about this summer, because if a picture speaks a thousand words then my photos from the US and Canada can speak every language in this galaxy. Seriously...I took enough photographs to wallpaper the Great Hall at Hogwarts. On that note, I've not uploaded many photo-heavy posts before, but as photography is something I enjoy I figured I might as well share some of it with you. Finally, I am considering writing a post in French (semi-ridiculous because 99% of the people who read my posts are anglophone)...and it's not that I can't write in French (I just spent a year writing absurdly long French essays...I can definitely write in French) but it's just that I doubt my writing "voice" will come across in another language, and creating a personal voice is something I love about writing. I suppose we shall see.

I'm going to end this round-up for now, but I'll be TRYING to post at least once a week for the next few weeks until I start uni again (although let's be honest, when has that ever stopped me before? I'm always more creative when I'm avoiding doing schoolwork), provided I am not swamped with books and deadlines and moving-back-to-England stuff.

See you next time!


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