Thursday, 2 April 2015
I've been frantically working to finish this post before March ended but my WiFi has been atrocious here and I haven't been able to upload anything, so I'm publishing this on 2nd April instead. Let's pretend I uploaded this before March ended, shall we?

Somehow we have gone a quarter of the way through the year and I don't really remember it happening but apparently time has passed (as it tends to do) and so here I am. I've been thinking about this as a post idea for a while and once I saw my friend Georgina's post I decided to write my own. Writing monthly favourites enables me to guarantee at least one post a month, even if it's more of a list than an actual posty post, if y'know what I mean. With that, I will begin.

Spy Kids.
The other day two of my friends and I decided to spend our last evening in London together watching a film and eating a bunch of snacks. Being the cinematically knowledgeable 19/20-year-olds that we are we chose Spy Kids as our film. I used to love Spy Kids SO MUCH as a child and watching it again was such easy viewing, and it was even more wonderfully ridiculous than I remembered.

TV Show:
The 100 & Gossip Girl.
I cannot go through a March Favourites post without mentioning The 100. As anyone who follows me on any social network can vouch, this past month I've been obsessed with The 100, and watched it almost in its entirety over three days. See this post for more about why I love it, because I'm only going to repeat myself if I write anything else about it here. I feel like I have to give a mention to Gossip Girl this month as well. In the past I've only ever watched up to season four but since January I've been watching it all and I just finished the sixth and final season a few days ago (the ending gave me such immense satisfaction, DANG it was good). I absolutely love the show; the setting, the storylines, the characters, the lines, the clothes - everything. While I'm fully aware that Gossip Girl tends to present New York without the grime and gloom that, in reality, it offers in abundance, this show adds sparkle to the already idealised version I have of it in my head, and NYC remains one of my favourite places in the world.

All Time Low.
I've had the pleasure of getting to see these guys twice this month (more on that to come) and I figured I should definitely mention them here. ATL always put on an awesome show and this month I've been listening to them on repeat to both prepare for the gigs I was going to and for their new album. On that note, they've been releasing new songs in a trickle these past few weeks and I can already tell I'm going to be as in love with their upcoming album as I was with their last.

Maybelline gel eyeliner.
I've recently rediscovered my Maybelline gel eyeliner and have slowly been trying to improve my top-lid eyeliner game (I've always been pretty bad with it) and I think so far I've been doing alright. I've been using a small angled brush I found, accompanied with a dried-up eyeliner felt tip (not the original brush that came with it).

Pale lace-up heeled boots. 
A couple of weeks ago I was doing my bi-weekly scroll through the New Look website and came across a pair of heeled lace-up boots for £8 (down from £29.99). I remembered I had £5 left on a gift card and decided to buy them, which meant I paid a MASSIVE £3 for a pair of shoes. The shoes are beige/cream, which I thinks makes them a nice fit for spring/summer, rather than all of the black boots I already own. I've worn them a few times so far and thank the LORD, they're so comfy that they barely even feel like heels - even though I end up taller than six foot when I've got them on!

"Looking up, I see a falling star, and watch its fire burn into the floor." - Kids in the Dark // All Time Low

I think that's all for March. Let me know in the comments if there's any product/book/film etc. that you've been loving in the past month.

See you next time!


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